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Page Eleven  Thought-Sherds 51-55

Thought-Sherds (It's a play on words, you know, "potsherds'' the little Earthenware fragments that Archaeologists find, with scriptures, notes, and things written on them,.... well if you have to explain it......  it's not so funny anymore)

Thoughtsherds: [thot '- surdz ] too small to be an article, but maybe big enough to make a difference.


Thought-Sherd 51


While we are watching the unfolding of Dan 11:13-17, I would like to give you something to think about........

Did you Know that The Interpretation and Timeline of Historical Events for the Eleventh Chapter of Daniel that is accepted by virtually all Jews and Christians alike for many hundreds and hundreds of years, and up to the present time, was developed by Not Christians, but Porphyry ? An Immensely Influential man in his day. And a Man who had a Profoundly deep deep Hatred of Christians ? Did you know that ?

Does it make sense that Yehovah would reveal the correct interpretation of prophecy to such a person ?

Please consider too: The Man in Linen told Daniel quite clearly, point-blank, Twice, that the Vision was “Made Secret, and Sealed up until the Time of the End”. (Dan 12:4, 9)

So how could this man, Porphyry, who hated Christians, and worked like a fiend to discredit the book of Daniel, and hence Daniel himself, and the Bible, come up with the correct interpretation of Daniel's prophecy over fifteen hundred years ago ? An Enormous amount of Years before the Time of the End ? And he an awful, truly evil, man.

The book of Daniel itself, clearly marks the Beginning of the “Time of the End” as starting at vs 6 of chapter 11, with the phrase “At the Utmost End [Strong's H7093 qets] of Years”. The SAME HEBREW WORD (root) used at Dan 12:4, 9 !

Remembering again, that the Vision was “Made Secret, and Sealed up until the Time of the End”.

      the Utmost End [Strong's H7093 qets

Thus, No correct interpretation/unsealing of Daniel Chapter 11, from Verse 6 onward, was even possible before The Time of the End Started ! 

......and please see Unlocking Daniel   for a clear explanation of when Verse 6, "The Time of the End" began.



Thought-Sherd 52

So, “Where is this Promised Presence of His ?”

In my little “Walkabout”, I've noticed a thing or two..... maybe three.

I would like to mention something I've noticed about the Fulfillment of Prophecy:

In Peter's book, where that Phrase “Where is this Promised Presence of His ?” (2Pet 3:4) comes from, he's referring to the Time in the Future (c.2032-3) when Christians will be Mocked because they have Over-Confidently, Many Many times said, “This is It !!, The End is Here !!!”.

But it's Not.

Why will Christians made that same Mistake over and over again ?

Here's Why. This is what I've noticed:

For some dam odd reason, events that have a verisimilitude to actual Prophetic Patterns occur with a surprising Regularity.

Why ? Not really sure on that one, sometimes it's us, just wanting it to fit. I think sometimes it's the ol' debbil trying to fool us, and sometimes I think it's God seeing if we're paying close-enough attention.

Hard to know.

But it happens. And with some regularity. Anyone who has followed this website will know that many times I've thought events were imminent, and they were, but only in part.

Sometimes 'imminent' is 'immanent' :)

The Reason I mention this is that, altho I mentioned that my latest date for the Beginning of Dan 11:13-17, (July 19, 2021) might be off by a year or two, I had become confident that it had started. And it might have, in part.


But I think Dan 11:13 will start sometime before or near Tisha B'Av 2022(Aug 6-7, 2022) and then “The 14 Years” will start on the Anniversary of the Destruction of the Temple (Aug 6-8, 2022).

We'll see.........

(and please see ¶ before "Sieges of Jerusalem" near bottom of Timeline article

and latest News & Updates)

-updated and corrected July 16, 2022


Thought-Sherd 53

Well, what can I say ?    Here's this Amazing Pattern and as far as I can tell Nuttin' happened. But i'm gunna leave it up just because it's so interesting. And i like to leave my mistakes up for all to see.

This Website has been watching December 25 and that date's Relation to the Formation/Dissolution of The Soviet Union, since I-don't-know-when. A pattern that seems to have started on Dec 25, 1825. [Decembrist Revolt] when one of their Leaders was imprisoned.

(It may, in fact, date back to Nebucadnezzar's siege of Jerusalem. Asara B'Tevet )

But I've NEVER seen a Pattern quite like THIS. The Dates/Numbers are Precise, the only Speculative Number is 4000 days. And that is derived from a Known Biblical Pattern. (i.e. ALL Major Biblical “Sea-Changes” are preceded by a “40” of some sort; 40 days, 40 weeks, 40 years. 40 decades, etc. etc.[sometimes it's a 42, 43, or 44])

So here's what appears to be the pattern seen:

Starting At December 25, this year, 2021, [New Soviet Union] and adding 4000 days, (remembering the importance of 40s in the Bible) brings you to December 7, 2032. Interesting Date ('that will live in Infamy'), but that really proves nothing. [ really cool site]

But if the “14 year thing” is true, and if Anchoring these calculations to the anniversary of the destruction of the Temple is correct (both times that the Temple was destroyed, was on the exact same date, thus the third time will also be on the same date. Called Tisha B'Av) if that is correct, then the 14 years should begin on Tisha B'Av 2022 (Aug 7) and end on Aug 3, 2036. (

At Daniel 12:12 it clearly indicates that the whole “shootin' match” is over at the 1335th day, i.e. August 3, 2036. So, Counting backwards 1335 days from August 3, 2036 surprisingly also yields December 7, 2032 ! (the day the Antichrist sits in the Temple, [2 thess 2:4]and the beginning of the “Third Woe”[rev 11:14]

If August 3, 2036 is the end of the “shootin' match” then it is also the End of the 666 days. So Iff'n you count backwards from that date, Aug 3, 2036, 666 days, it amazingly gets you October 7, 2034. Putin's birffday. Who'd a-thunk it ? [rev 13:17, 18] “it is the number of a man”..... so it turns out that it really isThe Number of a Man”= Putin's Birthday !

So did things also start this past Tisha B'Av ? [July 19, 2021]

hmmmm..... well consider this:

July 19 'til pootie's birffday Oct 7, is 80 days [double 40], and from there to Dec 25, the day the Soviet Union ALWAYS dissolves or reemerges, is also 80 days. All I can figure is that this is a little “Easter egg” that Targets Putin as “The Guy”.

Note: altho Jews observe the destruction of the Temple on the 9th of Av (Tisha B'Av) it's really the Tenth of Av, as per Jer 52: 12, 13 go figure.... so calculations here are based on The 10th of Av, as per Jer 52:12,13......

The Pattern Again in a NutShell:

From Dec 25, 1991 to Dec 25 2021                             = Exactly 30 years
End of Soviet Union (1991) 'til New Soviet Union (2021)

From Dec 25, 2021 add 4000 days                               = Dec 7, 2032
New Soviet Union starts Dec 25, 2021

From the End of the 14 years, Aug 3, 2036
[Tisha B'Av 2022, to Tisha B'Av 2036]
Aug 3, 2036 subtract 1335 days(Dan 12:12)               = Again yields Dec 7, 2032 !

       This is the Date of 2 Thess 2:4 / beginning of 3rd Woe

From Aug 3, 2036, subtract 666 days                          = Oct 7, 2034 Putin's B'Day
Thus this is the beginning of the 666 days /
Tribulatio Magna begins NOW(matt 24:21)
please see Thought-Sherds #8 & #9

From Aug 7, 2022, to Aug 7, 2036, the 14 years
(Tisha B'Av, 2022 'til Ezekiel Temple,
built and inaugurated)                                                    = 14 years [+3 ½ days]

Thus from Dec 25, 1991, (Fall of Soviet Union),
to Aug 7, 2036                                                               =44 yrs 7 ½ mos .

      Hmmmm........ who'd a-thunk it ?

Window Of Opportunity
From Dec 25, any year, +plus 4000 days, will always get you Dec 7. 'bout 11 years later. Except Leap-Years.
Purdy much the same thing counting backwards from Aug 3, any year, -minus 1335 days, will always get you Dec 7.
But here's the Thing: Aug 3, 2036 is Tisha B'Av. But Tisha B'Av won't fall on Aug the 3rd again FOR EIGHT MORE YEARS (2044)!!! Thus, if this Pattern does not happen, starting this year, IT CAN'T HAPPEN FOR EIGHT MORE YEARS !!! Plus the Oct 7 "Putin Part of the Pattern" Probably goes Away, unless he lives a long time. And the Whole 44 Year thing just Goes Away.
So, iff'n this Pattern doesn't start this Dec 25, (2021) ........

Here's a little More to the Pattern:

As you know, if you read this Website, it is currently the view here, that Aug 3, 2036 [Tisha B'av] will mark "The End", as it is called ..... (it's not really the end.)

and has been mentioned just above, subtracting 666 days from that date yields Putin's birthday Oct 7, 2034.
but, if you keep subtracting 666 days 7 more times you get "tada":
Jan 1, 2022......
Which is also exactly 30 years to-the-day from the day the old Soviet Union completely went out-of-business (temporarily)
i.e. Jan 1, 1992

Thus, Dec 25, 1991 Gorbachev resigned, and by Jan 1, 1992 the Soviet Union was all completely, offically OVER.

[Added to News Updates Jan 2, 2022
So, what's going on ?
The number of times that the Importance of "40s" during times of  Biblical "Sea Changes" has been mentioned on this website is "a ton of times".
So, after seeing the amazing Mathematical Patterns mentioned in  
Thought-Sherds #53 & #54, that Pinpoint Dec 25, 2021 and Jan 1, 2022 as the Starting point of the End Phase, what do i do ?  
Yup, forget to add the forty days .
What a macaroon :(

But here's the Thing: i don't know if it will be a Double 40 (80) or a Double-Double (160) or a single 40.
From Dec 25 to Jan 1 is 8 days, i.e. double 4. So it may be a double 40, dunno.
So, the earliest anything should Pop is Feb 3, 2022 or prolly Feb 10, 2022.
A Double 40 makes it March 22, 2022, and a Double-Double makes it June 3, 2022.  So it's wait and watch, wait and watch....

but no milkshakes for me :(                             (sniff, .....tear rolling down my face)]


Also, as a side-note, 44 days before Dec 25 is 11/11, Nov 11, Armistice Day.

Which began on 11/11 @ the 11th Hour.


Addendum (Feb 3, 2022):

So here's this beautiful pattern pointing towards December 25, 2021....

and then Dec 25 comes and goes, and nothing happened.... (well, not really, the Ukraine exploded onto the world's consciousness, but still, not what I expected)

Here's what may be happening:

For this cycle i.e. 2021-2022, the 'drop-dead' date is August 7, 2022 (Tisha B'Av anniversary of destruction of the Temple).

So, invoking the “Reverse-O Change-O” principle [chiasim] and taking what appeared to be a very interesting pattern that started on July 19, 2021 (Tisha B'Av) and ended on Dec 25, 2021 [160 days] and reversing that, from Dec 25. Thus Making Dec 25 a "Fulcrum" or "Pivot" Date. You come to June 3, 2022..... 160 days later. Interestingly, that leaves a remainder of 66 days. Is this the correct deduction ? Dunno.

But the pattern of the first part of this Thought-Sherd is just so amazing that I'm reluctant to drop it just yet..... and a lot can happen from now (Feb 3, 2022) 'til then (June 3).......

Didn't Happen....... pooh.....


Thought-Sherd 54


40 & 44 ?

As you May have noticed, if you've spent any Length of time on this Website, the importance of the “Sea-Change” marker/interval of 40 to 44 keeps coming up.

And there's a reason for that; It keeps coming up in the Bible.

So there.

It appears that we have just started the “Sea-Change Marker” on Nov 11, 2021.

so, just thinkin' out loud here, 'what's next ?'

Just deducing out-loud, 40 days from Nov 11 gets you Dec 21, the Winter Solstice. A very good “Marker-point”(Gen 1:14) and 4 days later brings you to December 25. The Day we're looking for.

The basic pattern/paradigm always centers around 40, and the extra 4 (sometimes a 2 or a 3) can present itself on either end of the 40, and in fact, the 40 can be sandwiched between bits of the 4 (example: Jesus's ministry seems to have begun with the day of his baptism [1], 40 days in the wilderness, 3 days 'til Cana, thus 44. but the 40 itself is always a block.

So it's Purdy certain there will be a 40 and a 44 for this “Sea-Change”.

My best guess is that the “40” will start on Nov 11, [it did] and end on the 21th of December with some sort of “Marking Event”. And then on the 25th of December, the Full-Blown Soviet Re-Union will be back.

What will happen on the 21st ?

dunno really, but prolly some transitioning point leading to a Clear Process of Coalescing/Solidifying the New Soviet Union. I suspect the Havoc of the “40 days” will have done it's job, and the Business of the Final Steps of putting the New Soviet Union together will be completed in the “4 Days”.

If this is wrong, I will of course, deny everything. But if it's Right, we're talkin' Lots and Lots of Coffee MilkShakes.....mmmmm......

Coffee MilkShake:

Two Shots of Espresso

Two Large Scoops of Super-Creamy Coffee Ice Cream

½ Cup Heavy Whipping Cream

2 tsp Vanilla

Chocolate Syrup (to taste)

½ Cup Irish Cream

Doused with Lots of Whipped Cream

Sprinkled with Nutmeg




Thought-Sherd 55


In the Book written by Mark many have Puzzled as to why he sez that Jesus was Crucified at “the THIRD hour”. When, in fact, all of the other Gospel accounts clearly indicate, either directly, or indirectly, that he was Crucified “at the SIXTH Hour”(noon).

So, What's going on ?

Well, let's ask just a few Questions first:

What kind of personality does mr. Mark exhibit in his little book ?

Ans: A very intense, “High T”, very passionate, very compassionate, very emotional personality. Very much like his Mentor Peter.

(Only Mark mentions how Jesus felt about the man at Mark 10:21, note Mark recording Jesus's thoughtful compassion at mark 7:33, even noting Herod's feelings at 6:20, note the details of the woman at 5:25-34, only Mark records Jesus's intense feelings at 3:5, only Mark mentions the man 'getting on his knees' at 1:40. are you seeing a pattern here ? Yes, a passion for compassionate details.... all through his book)

Was Mark there at the public Trial of Jesus? Was he an eyewitness ?

Yes. I think so. Here's what indicates that: 'The Young Man' in the Linen Sheet at Mark 14:51-52 was most likely Mark. Consider please, the personality of that 'Young Man': Buck naked, wearing nothing but his bed-sheet in the cold of late-winter (remember how Peter and others were huddled around the fire ? John 18:18) Caught up in the excitement, i.e. intensely emotional , and, it might be added, a very high metabolism, think about it for a moment.

So, Do you think he lost interest then, after he fled ? Hardly.

(btw, this was well before “Cock-crowing” which was appx. 3am. Please see mk 13:35)

But Here's where the clues get interesting: 'First thing in the morning' (mark 15:1) which at that time of year in Jerusalem is about 6:30-7:00am the High Priests and Elders 'held a conference', solidified their plan, bound Jesus, and led him to Pilate, let's give that at least 1 hour to 1½ hours, thus =8-8:30am. And, with normal Gov't 'open-up' procedures, On a Bank holiday (Preparation Day)!, remembering that Pilate was not expecting anything special in terms of work-load, other than the very predictable “Holiday Criminal” release. It was not his emergency (yet), and he had no reason to hurry! So they were reasonably in front of Pilate, no earlier than 8:30 to 9:00 am ! A clear-eyed reading of the Gospels indicates that Pilate was prolly just expecting to release the customary “Holiday Criminal” (Barabbas) for Preparation Day (which also proves that this was a Special Preparation Day, and not just the normal Sabbath Prep Day). Pilate was not open for Business at the-crack-of-dawn !!

Mark, with his high interest in the goings-on, was surely there when the Trial before Pilate started, yes about 8:30-9am. He would not have observed the morning strategy session with the High Priests and Elders. 

It appears that Jesus was in jail-like custody from about a little after 3am (cock-crowing) until he was hauled in front of the Sanhedrin "first thing in the morning [Mk 15:1, Luke 22:66]". So about 4 hours, maybe alone, time to pray, sleep, and think in the 'slammer' (i had  always wondered if he got any sleep that night, he was known to cat-nap. i hope so. mark 4:38. )

But what Mark was saying was, that by the time Jesus was Crucified, it was the THIRD HOUR OF JESUS's VERY EMOTIONALLY INTENSE AND PHYSICALLY BRUTAL PUBLIC TRIAL, and it was ALSO the OFFICIAL (O'Clock)“Sixth Hour” (noon) of-the-day ! Thus Jesus was Crucified at about the Third Hour of His Trial before Pilate, which was also Officially, the Sixth Hour of the Day. Mark, with his intensely compassionate interest, deeply cared how long Jesus suffered:

Three hours of brutal trials before Pilate and Herod, the scourgings, abuse etc. And 3 hours actually Crucified.

And note too, even John does not mention “Eli Eli Lama, Sabachthani !!” but deeply compassionate Mark does.

So now you know.

(just a brief afternote here, after this riddle solution I came away with a much deeper appreciation of Mark)




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tanx eh ?



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